Macloed University

Macloed University

We created PimaSpec.

A mobile app designed to assist farmers detect chemical composition by assessing photo images.


Farmers find it difficult to measure chemical composition of fertilizers they use. Client was already using a software on his local system which can be solution for this problem. In-order to increase the utility of the application for masses, they wanted to have this solution on a mobile device.


A mobile application developed which captures an image of a paper soaked in the sample chemical with an image processing algorithm assisted with mathematical calculations developed by Macloed University to detect chemical composition. 


First, we brain-stormed the possibility to use the same code base in the cloud server to replicate the test output, but found out that using a python library could be better option instead.

With the users in-mind we kept the design of the application very ergonomic and linear. A straight forward app that solves chemical composition.

This approach helped in simplifying overall application architecture and improving image processing speed. Once the values were calculated using image processing, various mathematical formulas developed by Macloed university team is then used to find out the final output.

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